
Dear Fellow NWTF Members,

I hope that you were successful in the spring turkey season this year. While I did not fill a tag, I was successful in taking out two youth hunters.

Turkey populations in the United States have declined in the last few decades from the boom of the late 1990s. NYSDEC biologist Josh Stiller gave a presentation to the State Board of Directors on July 10 that showed data showing a decline in productivity (poults that make it to adulthood) which is a driving force in the drop in the population. He also discussed some upcoming research that they are doing along with SUNY ESF.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, spending out of the Hunting Heritage Super Fund was stopped for financial reasons in 2020. Deposits made into the Super Fund from fundraising events were also stopped with a reevaluation in 2021. As the pandemic started to wane, states were allowed to spend 75% of the average amount spent in the three years prior to 2020. Coming out of the pandemic, fundraising events have been strong. Starting September 1, the Super Fund is being reopened for full spending as well as full deposits from fundraising events.

Next year, 2023, will be the 50th Anniversary of the National Wild Turkey Federation. The National Board has put out a list of goals they want the volunteers and the organization to achieve as part of the celebration of the anniversary. The goals include increasing membership, increasing revenue, conserving habitat, and increasing volunteerism. I am part of the New England regional group working on helping plan different events to help reach those goals.

Thank you for all that you do for the organization,

Eric Davis

President, New York State Chapter